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Segesta, the temple and the amphitheater. A story that lasts for millennia

Segesta a flourishing time, no longer inhabited for several centuries. During the spring period from April to June, the not too warm climate favors the splendor of the colors of millions of flowers that adorn the temple, creating an environment with a magical appearance. Silence dominates the valley. Vôňa pôdy prináša späť do staroveku,,en,Sicília bola zvolená za najkrajšiu oblasť Talianska,,en,Sicília je najkrajšou oblasťou Talianska,,en,nadpis,,en,čo opäť potvrdzuje nepopierateľný kúzlo ostrova,,en,bola udelená používateľmi webu,,en,ktorí prejavili svoje preferencie v Trofeo delle Regioni,,en,Iniciatíva spustila turistický portál,,en,Taliansko objaviť,,en,a skončila s voľbou tých najkrajších,,en,Používatelia sa začali,,en…

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Sicily has been elected the most beautiful region of Italy

Sicily is the most beautiful region of Italy: the title, which confirms once again the undeniable charm of the island, has been awarded by the web users, who have expressed their preference at the Trofeo delle Regioni. The initiative was launched by the tourist portal “Italy to discover” and ended with the election of the most beautiful. Users started…

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